
The Yebes Observatory is approximately 80 km from Madrid, in the municipality of Yebes, in the province of Guadalajara, at an altitude of 980 meters above sea level, 40 degrees 31 minutes 31.2 seconds north latitude, 03 degrees 05 minutes 17.3 seconds west longitude. This (location) location presents good conditions for a radio astronomical and geodetic observation station, since the average precipitable water vapour is 6 millimetres, reaching a minimum of 2 millimetres in winter. Wind speed is less than 5 m / s for 90% of the time.

This facility has two operating radio telescopes, 40m and 13.2m in diameter.

Yebes Observatory

In its 25 hectares extension there are:

  • Two radiotelescopes

  • Two optical telescopes:

    • A 40 cm double astrograph

    • A 15 cm aperture solar telescope

  • A visitors' centre

  • A gravimetric pavilion

  • An anechoic chamber

  • Laboratories:

    • Antennas

    • Microwaves

    • Millimeter waves

    • Electronic

    • Receiver

    • Time and frequency