Outreach and visits
The Yebes Astronomical Observatory, together with the Yebes Town Council, offers a programme of visits known as the ASTROYEBES. In it, schoolchildren and the general public can get to know the facilities and the scientific advances being developed at the Yebes Observatory.
The Astronomy Pavilion contains the means and resources of the Astronomy Classroom, which has a workshop where scientific activities are carried out, a digital planetarium with 3D astronomical simulation, a high-definition audiovisual system and a solar system module to learn about the solar system in depth.
During the visit to the facilities of the Yebes Astronomical Observatory, you can find wall panels with explanations about the history of astronomy, discoveries or comments about the facilities.
Book your visit to the Yebes Observatory HERE.

Thanks to Spider, students in the Astronomy Classroom can operate a real radio telescope and learn how it works.