Total lunar eclipse, September 7, 2025
Basic information
In the night of Sunday, September 7, 2025, it will be possible to observe a total lunar eclipse that will be visible from most of the world and that in Spain will be visible as total, except in the westernmost areas of Galicia and the Canary Islands, where the lunar rise will occur immediately after the end of totality. The observation of the eclipse can be made with the naked eye and does not involve any danger or require any special instrumentation.
In the westernmost part of Galicia and the Canary Islands, the total eclipse will end before Moonrise, with only the end of the partial phase being visible, while in the rest of the peninsula, the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, the Moon will rise completely eclipsed, so the end of the total phase will be visible, but not the beginning. During the total eclipse, the Moon will not be completely dark, but will take a reddish hue, that is due to part of the sunlight that is deflected by the Earth's atmosphere.
In the tab "From the province capitals" you can consult the evolution of the eclipse for each of them, both in cases where it reaches totality and in cases of partial eclipse.
The eclipse will be visible in one of its phases in: Asia, Oceania, Europe, Africa, Antarctica and the eastern of South America. The area where it will be visible corresponds to the colored part of the attached figure.
The totality phase of the eclipse will be visible in: Asia, Oceania, Antarctica and a large part of Europe and Africa. The area where totality will be visible is delimited by the inner part of the curves labeled iT and fT.
The eclipse will be visible as total in almost all of Spain, except in western Galicia and the Canary Islands where it will only be possible to see the partial phase.
Click here to see the evolution of the eclipse from each Spanish province capital.
The eclipse in the province capitals
You can select the province in the map below to obtain the sequence of the eclipse as it will be seen from its capital city, with the times expressed in official time.
The image loaded by default corresponds to the Madrid eclipse sequence, and can be enlarged by clicking on it.